Bayanihan Media Awards National Winner

Gun ban violator held in Bataan

BATAAN – This province’s police director Col. Rommel Velasco reported the arrest on Tuesday of a driver who pointed a gun at a drunk  public market worker in Sitio Tama, Brgy. Culis, Hermosa town.

Hermosa police station chief Maj. Emerson Coballes said members of the 2nd PMFC detailed at the Mega Quarantine Facility in Bataan arrested driver Reynold Singian, 38, of Sitio Tama, Bgy. Culis, Hermosa.

Coballes said his men responded to an incident in Sitio Tama where Singian had a heated argument with a drunk man in front of his house.

Suddenly, Singian went inside the house, got a .38 gun and shot the drunk man, but the gun did not fire.

Responding cops nabbed Singian who will face charges for attempted homicide and violation of R.A. 10591 or the  Comelec gun ban.
