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Bangkung Malapad now a critical habitat, ecotourism area

CITY OF SAN FERNANDO – The 405-hectare Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad Coastal Wetland in Sasmuan town has been declared as a critical habitat and ecotourism area by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

According to DENR Regional Executive Director Paquito Moreno Jr., the coastal wetland will now be formally known as the Sasmuan Bangkung Malapad Critical Habitat and Ecotourism Area (SBMCHEA) and will be sustainably managed by the agency and municipal government of Sasmuan.

This, Moreno said, is stated under Department Administrative Order (DAO) No. 2021-36 issued by Secretary Roy Cimatu.

This move will also intensify government efforts in the rehabilitation of Manila Bay, and the protection of mangrove and coastal ecosystem including migratory birds that frequent the area.

 “The DAO would serve as a legal framework to protect the SBMCHEA mangrove forests and mudflats, which is a valuable ecosystem found within the more than 3,000 hectare-Sasmuan Pampanga Coastal Wetland—a wetland of international importance and conferred last February as the 8th Ramsar Site in the country and first in Central Luzon,” he explained.

 “SBMCHEA is an important habitat to many endemic and threatened water birds including Philippine duck, Black-faced spoonbill, Chinese egret, Far eastern curlew, Malaysian plover, and other migratory bird species,” Moreno furthered.

Collaborative works are essential to maintain its ecological services and other biological and cultural values, which are fundamental to conserve and enable the ecosystem as a driving force in the region’s socio-economic and ecotourism growth. 

With the declaration of the Bangkung Malapad as a critical habitat and ecotourism area, stricter monitoring and enforcement of environmental laws will be done to avert and combat destructive activities within the SBMCHEA. 

The DAO prohibits the dumping of wastes detrimental to wildlife, squatting or occupying any portion of the critical habitat, burning, logging, quarrying, mineral exploration, and illegal fishing and fishponds and dumping of hazardous wastes within the SBMCHEA. 

Moreno also urged the public to report any person found violating the law to DENR to stop them from destroying the environment and sustain the rich natural resources of SBMCHEA. 

The agency, in partnership with the municipal government and communities, will likewise implement the SBMCHEA management plan to address site management strategies and activities on habitat protection, rehabilitation, community organizing, promotion of environmental education and awareness, and other sustainability measures. 

Apart from being an important habitat to migratory birds, the area is known for its vast mangrove forests where species like Api-api are abundant. 

SBMCHEA is a mangrove islet in the Pasak River, and part of the large and enclosed sea of Manila Bay that was formed by the volcanic sediments from the Mount Pinatubo’s devastating eruption in 1991. (PNN)
