CLARK FREEPORT — Clark Development Corporation (CDC) served a Notice to Cease and Desist Operations (CDO) and a Demand to Peacefully Vacate and Turnover the Property at the Kalangitan Sanitary Landfill to Metro Clark Waste Management Corporation (MCWMC) on October 25, 2024.
However, MCWMC refused to accept these documents.
The Contract for Services and Authority to Operate for MCWMC expired on October 6, 2024. Moreover, CDC has honored the 20-day Temporary Restraining Order (TRO) issued by the Capas Regional Trial Court and it expired on October 24, 2024.
In accordance with CDC’s regulatory authority under Republic Act No. 7227, the CDO and the Notice of Turnover served on October 25 reinforces previous communications that operations beyond the expiration of the Contract for Services shall be deemed unauthorized business operations.
Moreover, on October 21, 2024, the Angeles City Regional Trial Court dismissed with prejudice for lack of merit the case on Reformation of Instrument, Fixing of Period, Specific Performance and Damages filed by MCWMC against CDC and Bases Conversion and Development Authority.
CDC was informed of the dismissal of the case when it was furnished a copy on October 22, 2024