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Mabalacat pastors back MCG re-elect bid

MABALACAT CITY – Leader-pastors of the Association of United Christian Churches of Angeles and Mabalacat (AUCCAM), through a manifesto, signified full support to the re-election bid of City Mayor Crisostomo Garbo.

“We, the leaders of Pastors of the Association of United Christian Churches of Angeles and Mabalacat, do hereby declare our commitment and support to the candidacy of Mayor Crisostomo Cunanan Garbo this coming elections,” the manifesto stated.

The manifesto of support, signed by the AUCCAM along with other independent born-again Christian churches in Mabalacat City, said Garbo has the Pro-4Cs of a leader, which includes Character, Competence, Courage, and Compassion – and that he has the most important “C” of all, which is Christ, openly confessing that “he as a person was changed by the Love and Grace of God.”

The group also said they are for Pro-Progress, and desire to be part of the progress that God is doing in the component city, with the leadership of Garbo. Lastly, they said they are Pro-Truth, firmly believing the truth that Mayor Garbo, their mayor and leader, is far better than that of his predecessor.

“This truth, when accepted, liberates all, even the detractors of Mayor Garbo,” the statement said.

Garbo’s, according to AUCCAM, has implemented unwavering efforts to uplift Mabalaqueños’ way of living. It added that the mayor’s consistent services to his constituents, specifically ease of doing business, is also seen in his administration.

The mayor’s humility, courage and compassion was also seen particularly during the pandemic where Garbo never secured his safety but rather attended the needs of every Mabalaqueños to combat Covid-19.

“The mayor disregard both the dangers he is facing and the dangers he may bring about to his family and friends just to attend the need of all Mabalaquenos,” they added.

“We are in adherence to his leadership for Mayor Crisostomo Garbo was both chosen by God and his Mabalaqueñian people though a legitimate and honest automated election,” the manifesto stated.

“As the leaders of the Evangelical Churches of Mabalacat City, our stance to uphold candidacy and leadership of Mayor Garbo both of our immediate family and our church members remains and is steadfast. And that as Brother in the Lord, we decided to be with him in his campaign this May. We firmly believe that Mayor Garbo will once again lead Mabalacat City,” the AUCCAM ended.
