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CIAC prexy: 2024 will be breakthrough year

Top executives of the state firm managing the 1,600-hectare aviation complex in Clark expressed optimism as the agency sets a new roadmap to create the very first aerotropolis in the region.

Long overshadowed by plans anchored on the airport, the Clark International Airport Corporation (CIAC) is set to embark this year on concrete steps on an ambitious journey.

CIAC President and CEO Arrey Perez said that the agency has set sights on “transformation of the Clark Civil Aviation Complex.”

“2024 will be a season of breakthroughs for Clark, and CIAC commits to be at the heart of it all,” Perez said in his New Year message.

Since his assumption as CIAC head a few months back, Perez has set a new vision for Clark that includes seven flagship projects.

His move is seen to complement programs for Clark Freeport, the airport and the New Clark City. Newly laid-out plans by Perez are a far cry from the previous direction of airport-anchored developments.

It would be recalled that LIPAD now operates and maintains the Clark International Airport. On the one hand, Clark Development Corporation manages the Clark Freeport while the Bases Conversion Development Authority oversees developments at the New Clark City. Both CDC and CIAC are subsidiaries of the BCDA.

“We look forward to working with more stakeholders and partners in this transformation of the Clark Civil Aviation Complex — to excite you, to serve you, to build and create with you. Great opportunities await us,” he said.

“As we embark on our shared journey to realize CIAC’s seven flagship projects, I fervently wish my CIAC family and all our stakeholders a new year of renewed optimism driven by conviction, courage driven by grace, and commitment driven by a higher sense of purpose,” he added.

CIAC’s new flagship projects include: a New CRK Direct Access Link; a National Food Terminal; Urban Renewal and Conservation Program; Entertainment and Events Hub; Expansion of Road Networks and Utilities; Detailed Plan for the Second Runway; and a New CIAC Headquarters.
