Mabalacat Councilor Timothy Paul Llanos “Timmy” Dee posted his 25th anniversary today as a fireman in his FB account.

The son of the late businessman Anthony Dee is known for his service as a fireman despite being stricken with Parkinsons disease – something, like fire, he has also been fighting for many years now.
In his post, he wrote “it’s been a great journey maybe it’s time to step back a little”, recalling how he started on probationary status then as fulltime fire officer (with rank equivalent to a Captain in BFP) and onto becoming a City Councilor.
“thank you to all my officers family protege and friends i wouldn’t made it this far kung hindi ko kayo nakasama,” he added.

The brother of Dau Barangay Chairman Derrick Dee is also known for his Botica ng Bayan for distributing free medicines and medical supplies and equipment to Mabalaquenians.