CLARK FREEPORT – The Metro Clark Waste Management (MCWM) has engaged in fruitful talks on industry-wide practices and opportunities with the German delegation representing the Foreign Market Entry Programme of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs.
This, MCWM said, is consistent with its mission to only employ globally-sound solutions and practices that will address the country’s waste crisis.
Acknowledged for its exemplary service record and strict compliance with local and international waste management standards, as well as its use of German-sourced technologies in its sanitary landfill, MCWM welcomed the representatives from the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK), Bopparder Maschinenbau-Gesellschaft mbH (BOMAG GmbH), the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Manila, and the German-Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GPCCI) to their site at the Clark Special Economic Zone.
MCWM executives toured the delegation around its facility, and proudly shared the company’s business operations and practices that are compliant with the standards set forth by the European Union. The delegation witnessed first-hand the efficiency of MCWM’s operations, and how the company’s investment in technology has been essential in delivering its world-class service to LGUs and industrial clients in Central Luzon.

Impressed by the size and maintenance of MCWM’s sanitary landfill, Johannes Schröder of BOMAG GmbH–a global market leader in compaction technology–said, “from arriving at the site, to the dumping, spreading and compaction, everything is well-organized and done in a safe and efficient way. The team-play between the dozers, dump trucks and refuse compactors–orchestrated by MCWM’s staff–was very impressive.” Schröder is also delighted that BOMAG GmbH’s BC 772 R8-2 refuse compactor plays a critical role in MCWM’s operations.
“With the equipment and processes in place, MCWM must achieve best compaction results to ensure the stability and long lifetime of its landfill,” Schröder added.
Both parties discussed many challenges faced by MCWM and the Philippine waste management industry in general. They exchanged current best practices and learnings, as well as potential improvements that can be achieved through better technology. The visit also explored potential collaborative efforts that could help improve the country’s waste management industry and bolster bilateral business relations between the Philippines and Germany. Germany is considered the gold standard in waste management worldwide, mainly because of its effective government policies, use of technology, and high public awareness.
Mike Busse-Lepsius of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK) said that their visit to MCWM facility “gave the German delegation an even better view of the specific challenges faced by the Philippine waste management sector.”
Acknowledging the relevance and timeliness of the visit to the company’s operations and planned expansion, MCWM Executive Vice President Vicky Gaetos said, “The Philippines has a lot to learn from the German and European experience when it comes to proper waste management. MCWM will continue to employ the latest technologies and global best practices to provide the best waste management in the country–all for the benefit of the LGU and industrial clients that we currently–and will potentially–serve.”
MCWM also shared its future expansion plans to the delegation, and the likelihood of purchasing new equipment to meet the ever-growing volume of waste being deposited at its facility. MCWM also shared the challenge faced in maintaining and servicing its German-sourced equipment, as well as the occasional roadblocks in sourcing machinery and equipment parts.
MCWM completed a major expansion project during the pandemic to serve more stakeholders and clients in Central and Northern Luzon. The expansion developed additional land area for disposal, created additional leachate treatment plants, and acquired new vehicles, equipment, and other fixed facilities.
“We see potential business partnerships and collaboration with the German delegation that will not only contribute to the already strong Philippines-Germany relations, but that will also support continuity of MCWM’s operations, as well as ensure the same standard of excellence for our expansion,” Gaetos added.
Serving more than 150 LGUs in Central and North Luzon, and over a thousand of industrial and commercial locators in the two main economic zones of Clark and Subic, MCWM operates the Philippines’s first and only engineered sanitary landfill in Sitio Kalangitan, Clark Special Economic Zone. MCWM’s sanitary landfill currently handles over 4,500 metric tonnes waste daily, and has consistently secured EMS, OHS and QMS ISO certifications since 2015.