Genteel Home, a homegrown lifestyle brand that aims to respond to every space’s needs by thoughtfully curating tailored decor and furniture pieces, has introduced its new “face” over the week — actress Dimples Romana.

Genteel Home is owned by Kapampangan interior designer Katrina Blanca De Leon, who put up the firm in 2013 and started her “love story” in interior design in the heart of Pampanga.
From a furniture piece she designed and created for a project, De Leon said was led into a team that would help her live the dream she has always kept in her heart.

According to her, she’s a woman whose life is of admiration of beautiful homes, décor, and things landed on a path she always believes she is meant for.

From one commissioned piece to another from residential projects, commercial spaces and offices, the small workshop expanded, and her
Genteel family grew.

In November 2021, Genteel Home’s very first boutique showroom was launched.

“With the help of my loyal clients, these beautiful pieces found their own space. And the best part is that everything is crafted with kindness,” she said.

As Ms. Kat would say, “at Genteel Home, we live to love.”