CLARK FREEPORT— Some 15,000 Global Peace advocates from all over the world gathered during the Global Peace Leadership Conference (GPLC) and the Global Peace Festival 2022 held in this Freeport recently.
Clark Development Corporation (CDC) President and CEO Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera delivered her welcoming remarks in front of diverse nationalities during the three-day strategic, multi-sector convening of the Global Peace Foundation held at the Widus Hotel ballroom.
“We are one in the belief that a true lasting peace can only be achieved through the total and holistic development of our people by including all the people and providing sustainable programs and activities,” she said.
In her message, Devanadera shared a glimpse of Clark’s history and how it was transformed into a destination of choice for local and foreign investors, for tourism; gaming and leisure; conferences and conventions, as well as for hosting sports events.
She also mentioned some of CDC’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and projects geared towards helping the Aeta communities, livelihood assistance for workers, women empowerment, and protection for the environment.
The attendees were moved by the latter part of her message wherein the song “Imagine” by John Lennon was played saying, “Imagine all the people, living life in peace. You may say I’m a dreamer. But I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us, and the world will be as one.”
“I guess… This is that “someday” that John Lennon hoped for because your presence here makes it a reality and a possibility that the world will be one. Shalom,” she added.

The GPLC is part of the Global Peace Festival 2022 staged in the Philippines from December 1 to 3, 2022. This year, the said festival was celebrated and held at Clark Global City with a theme “One Family Under God: A Vision for a World of Freedom and Peace.”
Some of those who were present and gave their respective messages are Global Peace Festival 2022 Co-chair Dr. Nona S. Ricafort, Global Peace Foundation President James Flynn, Global Peace Foundation Founder and Chairman Dr. Hyun Jin Moon, National Assembly of Korea Deputy Speaker Woo-Taek Chung, and Indonesian Ulema Council Vice General Chairman Dr. K.H. Marsudi Syuhud, among others.
Global Peace Foundation Malaysia CEO Dr. Su Thye Teh, Association of International Education Administrators Research Fellow Executive Director Dr. Darla K. Deardorff, and International Young Leaders Assembly Global Ambassador Datu Yussef Abubakar M. Paglas were also in attendance.
The Global Peace Foundation is an international non-sectarian, non-partisan, and nonprofit organization that convenes and implements development projects and conferences on peacebuilding, education, entrepreneurship and youth leadership development.