LUGAW FOR A CAUSE. Various locators in Clark Freeport Zone extended their support to ‘Lugaw for Cause’ an event organized by Clark Development Corporation (CDC) to help graduating students of Mabalacat City College, and City College of Angeles. (CDC-CD Photo)
CLARK FREEPORT — Clark Development Corporation (CDC), in partnership with various locators inside this Freeport, recently organized a “Lugaw for a Cause” event for the benefit of the graduating students of Mabalacat City College (MCC) and City College of Angeles (CCA).
CDC President and CEO Atty. Agnes VST Devanadera led the activity which was held last April 14, 2023 at the Midori Creek Side Bar. Various benefactors, Clark locators, and other stakeholders within and around the Freeport attended and supported the said event.
With a target of 500 ticket sales, the event exceeded expectations with around 700 tickets sold. All proceeds from the event will be directly allocated to the student beneficiaries of MCC and CCA to help them prepare for their graduation and future endeavors.
Devanadera, who also celebrated her birthday during the event, expressed her gratitude towards the locators and benefactors for their generous support. She further added that the activity serves as her way of giving back to the community.
“My deep appreciation and gratitude to all of you for supporting this event and for taking the time out in joining us. During the planning stage, some members of my team suggested the idea of hosting a party. But, considering the challenges we have faced, I thought that we should redirect our efforts towards giving back and being attentive to the needs of others. So, we decided to invite you (our valued locators), to join us in reaching out to those who are less fortunate. After the pandemic, which we thought will never end, it is high time to remember those who are in need,” she said.
Along with the other local dishes offered, the highlight of the event is a hearty serving of lugaw, a Filipino rice porridge that represents communal unity, humility, resilience and compassion.
CDC, along with its partners, remains committed to supporting the education sector and helping the youth achieve their dreams. The success of the Lugaw for a Cause event shows the strong spirit of camaraderie and generosity that exists within the Clark Freeport community.
The ‘Lugaw for a Cause’ event was organized by CDC’s External Affairs Department (EAD) through its Corporate Social Responsibility and Placement Division (CSRPD) in coordination with the CDC’s Business Development and Business Enhancement Group (BDBEG).